- Singh TSK, Khamo, V., Sugiyama H.Cerebral Paragonimiasis mimicking tuberculoma: First case report in India. Tropical Parasitology 2011; 1(1): 39-41.
- Singh TS, Sugiyama H, Devi Ranjana KH, Singh LD, Binchai S and Rangsiruji A. Experimental infection of laboratory animals with Paragonimus heterotremus metacercariae occurring in Manipur, India. SEA J Trop Med & Public Health, 2010 (in press).
- Adhikari L., Das Gupta A., Pal, R. and Singh T.S.K. Clinico- etiologic correlates of onychomycosis in Sikkim. Indian J Path Microbiol52 (2): 194-197, 2009.
- Singh T.S.K., Sugiyama H., Umehara A., Hiese Sh., Khalo K. Paragonimus heterotremus infection in Nagaland: anew focus of pragonimiasis in India. Accepted for publication in Indian J Med Microbiol, April issue, 2009.
- Adhikari L. High-level Aminoglycoside Resistance and Reduced Susceptibility to Vancomycin in Nosocomial Enterococci. Journal of Global Infectious Diseases 2010; 2(3):
- Adhikari L., Bhatta D., Tsering DC., Sharma DK., Pal R., Gupta A. Infectious disease markers in blood donors at Central Referral Hospital, Gangtok, Sikkim. Asian Journal of Transfusion Science 2010; 4(1): 41-42.
- Adhikari L., Singh TSK, Tsering D., Dhakal OP., Gupta A. Sporadic cases of visceral leishmaniasis in Sikkim, India. Journal of Global Infectious Diseases 2010; 2(2):196.
- Adhikari L., Dey S., Pal R. Mycetoma due to Nocardia farcinica. Journal of Global Infectious Diseases 2010; 2(2):194.
- Adhikari L., Das Gupta A., Pal, R. and Singh T.S.K. Clinico- etiologic correlates of onychomycosis in Sikkim. Indian J Path Microbiol52 (2): 194-197, 2009.
- Tsering C. Dechen, Adhikari L., Das S., Pal R.: Extended spectrum Beta- Lactamase Detection in gram negative bacilli of nosocomial origin. Journal of global Infectious Diseases 1 (2): 87-92, 2009.
- Adhikari L, RoyK, Tsering DC, Pal Ranabir, Kar Sumit. Susceptibility Rates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains to quinolones. Journal of Laboratory Physicians 2010; 2(2): 121.
- Karma G. Dolma, L. Adhikari, P.K. Mohapatra, J Mahanta. Determinants for the retreatment group of pulmonary tuberculosis patients treated in a DOTS programme in Sikkim, India. Indian Journal of Tuberculosis; JR/58/2011/12
- Tsering C. Dechen, Kar Sumit, Pal Ranabir. Correlates of Vaginal Colonization with Group B Streptococci among Pregnant Women. Journal of Global Infectious Diseases 2010; 2(3): 236-241.
- Rai BB, Pal Ranabir, Kar Sumit, Tsering C. Dechen. Solar Disinfection Improves Drinking Water Quality to Prevent Diarrhea in Under Five Children in Sikkim, India. Journal of Global Infectious Diseases 2010;2 (3): 221-225.
- Tsering C. Dechen, Adhikari L., Das S., Pal R. Extended spectrum Beta- Lactamase Detection in gram negative bacilli of nosocomial origin. Journal of global Infectious Diseases 2009; 1 (2): 87-92.
- Tsering C Dechen, Charchal L, Pal R, Kar Sumit. Bacteriological Profile of Septicemia and the Risk Factors in Neonates and Infants in Sikkim. Journal of Global Infectious Diseases 2011; 3(1): 42-45.
- Tsering C. Dechen, Pal R, Kar S. Methicillin- Resistant Staphylococus Aureus: Prevalence and Current Susceptibility Pattern in Sikkim. Journal of Global Infectious Diseases 2011; 3(1): 9-13.
- Adhikari L, RoyK, Tsering DC, Pal Ranabir, Kar Sumit. Susceptibility Rates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains to quinolones. Journal of Laboratory Physicians 2010; 2(2): 121.
- KAP on emergency contraception among nursing staff in SikkimAustralian Medical Journal, APR 2010, Dr. Hafizur Rehman, Assistant Professor
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- SUPERFICIAL ANGIOMYXOMA OF THE EXTERNAL EAR NOT ASSOCIATED WITH CARNEY”S COMPLEX: A CASE REPORT: published in Kathmandu University Medical Journa(2007)l, Volume 5, No 4, issue 20, 546-549
- PERSISTENT DECIDUOUS MOLAR CAUSING MUCOCELE OF THE MAXILLARY SINUS- accepted for publication in Indian Journal of Otology Laryngology & Head and Neck Surgery.
- CLINICOPATHOLOGICAL CORRELATES OF PEDIATRIC HEAD AND NECK CANCER. published in Journal of cancer research and therapeutics. Vol 5, Issue 3, July- September 2009, 181-85.
- 'SPECTRUM OF HEAD AND NECK CANCER IN CHILDREN IN AN INDIAN TERTIARY CARE CENTER published in in Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons Vol 14, issue 4, October – December 2009.
- BENIGN CALCIFIED THYROID CYST WITH SKIN SINUS FORMATION –published in .Laryngoscope. 2008 Jan;118(1):75-77.
- FOURTH BRANCHIAL POUCH SINUS – AN UNUSUALLY LATE PRESENTATION – published in Indian J. Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg. January-March 2009, 61:72-75
- OCCULT FOREIGN BODIES IN THE AERO DIGESTIVE TRACTS IN INFANCY- published in Indian J. Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg. January-March 2008 60:37–40
- PERSISTENT DECIDUOUS MOLAR CAUSING MUCOCELE OF THE MAXILLARY SINUS- accepted for publication in Indian Journal of Otology Laryngology & Head and Neck Surgery.
- AN ATTEMPT TO DEFINE THE TYPE OF BIOPSY IN A SINONASAL LESION SHOWING BONY EROSION. Ahead of print in Indian Journal of Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery
- BEHAVIOUR DISPARITIES TOWARDS BLOOD DONATION IN SIKKIM, INDIA – published in Asian J Transf Sci – Vol2, issue 2, July 2008.
- CORRELATES OF VOLUNTARY BLOOD DONATION AMONG PEOPLE IN A HILL CAPITAL IN INDIA. International Journal of Green Pharmacy. Vol 3 Issue 2 April – June 2009, 167-74
- KNOWLEDGE CORRELATES OF BLOOD DONATION AMONG THE GENERAL POPULATION OF SIKKIM – published in the Indian Journal of Clinical Practice 2008, 19(2): 44-48.
- Persistent deciduous molar as an etiology for a maxillary sinus mucocele. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. Article has been accepted for publication on 22-06-2008. Under Print.
- SPECTRUM OF HEAD AND NECK CANCER IN CHILDREN IN AN INDIAN TERTIARY CARE CENTER published in in Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons Vol 14, issue 4, October – December 2009.
- Improvised Management of Lumbar Disc Prolapse in Antarctica. Accepted for publication in Journal of Emergencies, Trauma and Shock
- Isolated Neurofibroma of Tongue- A case report. Accepted for publication in Orissa Journal of Otolaryngology
- A Rare Case of Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumour. Accepted for publication in Orissa Journal of Otolaryngology
- Interposition Arthroplasty of Temporomandibular Joint Ankylosis using Temporalis Muscle Flap: Our Experience: Accepted for publication in Surgical Techniques Development
- Zygomatic Abscess Associated with Otitis Media: A Rare Case Report. Accepted for publication in Orissa Journal of Otolaryngology
- J Forensic Leg Med. 2009 Nov;16(8):492-3. "Atypical Suicidal" cut throat injury--a case report. Shetty BS, Padubidri JR,Bhandarkar AM, Shetty AJ, Shetty M.
- Dr. O.P. Dhakal published an article titled “Sporadic Care of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Sikkim, India” in Journal of Global Infection diseases 2010 May - Aug.
- Dr. Mona Dhakal & Dr. O.P. Dhakal published an article titled “Laboratory and Clinical Profiles of Alcoholic Cirrhosis in Sikkim” in Indian Journal of Gastroenterology in Dec 2010 Issue.
- Dr. O.P. Dhakal published an article titled “Sporadic Care of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Sikkim, India” in Journal of Global Infection diseases 2010 May - Aug.
- Dr. Mona Dhakal & Dr. O.P. Dhakal published an article titled “Laboratory and Clinical Profiles of Alcoholic Cirrhosis in Sikkim” in Indian Journal of Gastroenterology in Dec 2010 Issue.
- Thakur BK, Verma S. BCG-induced lupus vulgaris complicated by squamous cell carcinoma in a 7-year-old child. Int J Dermatol. 2011; 50:542–545.
- Verma S, Thakur BK. Idiopathic eruptive macular pigmentation with papillomatosis. Indian , Dermatol Online J 2011;2:101-3, No of Accepted papers to be published- Two, Accepted in Indian Journal of Dermatology
- Thakur BK, Verma S. BCG-induced lupus vulgaris complicated by squamous cell carcinoma in a 7-year-old child. Int J Dermatol. 2011; 50:542–545.
- Verma S, Thakur BK. Idiopathic eruptive macular pigmentation with papillomatosis. Indian Dermatol Online J 2011;2:101-3. No of Accepted papers to be published- Two Accepted in Indian journal of Dermatology
- Vandana Mehta, Aarti Sarda, C Balachandran.Lupus Band Test. Indian journal of dermatology, venereology and leprosy.2009; 76:398-300.
- Vandana Mehta, Aarti Sarda, C Balachandran.Sarcoidosis- The great imitator- report of two cases Journal of Pakistan association of Dermatologists 2009; 19: 178-181.
- Mehta Vandana, Sarda Aarti, C. Balachandran, Rao Raghavendra, Monga Puja. Late onset nodular prurigo – The sole and initial manisfestation of occult Hodgkin’s disease. Indian J Dermatol; 2009; 54(2):192-193.No of Accepted papers to be published- One.Accepted in International Journal of Dermatology
- Panda AK, Swain KC. Traditional uses and medicinal potential of Cordyceps sinensis of Sikkim. Journal of Ayurveda & Integrative Medicine 2011, vol 2, Isuue1, 9-13
- Chakrabarti A, Woody GE, Griffin ML, Subramaniam G, Weiss RD. Predictors of buprenorphine-naloxone dosing in a 12-week treatment trial for opioid dependent youth: Secondary analyses from a NIDA Clinical Trials Network study. Drug Alcohol Depend 2010 ; 107: 253 – 256.
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- Potter JS, Chakrabarti A, Domier CP, Hillhouse MP, Weiss RD, Ling W. Pain and continued opioid use in individuals receiving buprenorphine–naloxone for opioid detoxification: Secondary analyses from the Clinical Trials Network. J Substance Abuse Treatment 2010 ; 38 Supplement 1 : S80 – S86.
- Datta S, Sharma C. Prescribing pattern of Antihypertensives in patients having comorbid ischemic heart disease: study in a tertiary care hospital. Journal of Pharmacy Research 2010, 3(9), 2142-2144
- Datta S, Udupa AL. Antihypertensive drug use in patient having comorbid diabetes: cross sectional prescription pattern study in a tertiary care hospital. Asian journal of Pharmaceutical & clinical Research. 2010; 3( 4): 43-45
- Datta S. Use of Antihypertensives in patients having associated renal parenchymal disorders: Cross sectional prescription pattern study in a Tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Pharmaceutical sciences and Drug research 2011; 3(3): 256-259
- Datta S, Sharma C. Prescribing pattern of Antihypertensives in patients having comorbid ischemic heart disease: study in a tertiary care hospital. Journal of Pharmacy Research 2010, 3(9), 2142-2144.
- Pandey SK. Synthesis & Evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of 3- substituted indole derivative compound. Journal of Pharmacy Research 2010; 3(11): 2738-2741
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- Chattopadhyay S. Hindu religion’s influence on health in family.In Craft-Rosenberg MJ. Eds. The Encyclopedia of Family Health 2011.Sage Publications, USA.
- Chattopadhyay S. Facing up to the hard problems: Western bioethics in the Eastern land of India. In Myser C. Eds. Bioethics around the Globe 2011. Oxford University Press, USA.
- Chattopadhyay S. An Earnest Appeal: We Need Spirituality in Medical Education. In Macer D. Eds. Asia-Pacific Perspective in Bioethics Education 2008. Bangkok: RUSHAP UNESCO.
- Chattopadhyay S. Telling culturally construed truth in clinical practice. Accepted.
- Chattopadhyay S. and De Vries R. Bioethical concerns are global, bioethics is Western. Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 2008; 18: 106-9.
- Chattopadhyay S. and Simon A. East meets West: cross-cultural perspective in end-of-life decision making from Indian and German viewpoints. Medicine Health Care and Philosophy 2008; 11: 165-74.
- Chattopadhyay S. Black money in white coats: whither medical ethics? Indian Journal of Medical Ethics 2008; 5: 20-1.
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- A common insertion of thoracoepicondylaris and an axillary arch of Langer: a case report. Polly LAMA ,Binod Kumar TAMANG International Journal of Anatomical Variations (2010) 3: 63–64)
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- Morphological and morphometric features of scaphoid bone in north eastern population, India C Purushothama, RK Sarda, A Konuri, BK Tamang, C Gupta and BV Murlimanju Nepal Med Coll J 2011; 13(1): 20-23
- Remon Chettri, Shahid Mohd, Nikita Joshi and Mahendra Kumar Yadav. A study of cardiorespiratory fitness in cricketers of north India. J Health & Fitness, 2011; 3(1): 71-76.
- Mahendra Kumar Yadav, Nikita Joshi and Remon Chettri. Contributions of Independent Variables towards the Handgrip Strength in Cricketers of North India. J Health & Fitness, 2011 ; 3(1): 13-18.
- Selvam Ramachandran. To compare the effects of neuro-developmental therapy alone and the application of Thorndike’s law of effect (operant conditioning) in improving the head control of developmentally delayed infants. SMIMS Journal of Health & Medical Sciences Vol. 01 Iss. 02 (2007);10-15.
- Ramachandran S. Current Status of Post-graduate Physical Therapy Curriculum in India: Articulated or Disarticulated? An Issue paper. Journal of Physical Therapy. 2010; Vol. 1 Iss. 1: 32-38
- Ramachandran S. Re: Re: Current status of postgraduate physical therapy curriculum in India: articulated or disarticulated? An issue paper. Journal of Physical Therapy. 2010; Vol. 1 Iss. 2: 85
- Selvam Ramachandran, Preeti Thakur. Upper extremity constraint induced movement therapy in infantile hemiplegia – a case report. Journal of Pediatric Neuroscience. 2011; Vol. 6 Iss. 1: 29-31.
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- Priyanka Singh, Abraham M. Joshua, Sailakshmi Ganeshan, Sucharitha Suresh. Intra-rater reliability of the modified Tardieu scale to quantify spasticity in elbow flexors and ankle plantar flexors in adult stroke subjects. Ann Indian Acad Neurol 2011; 14: 23-6.
- Manish Goon, Sutanu Ghoshal, Baskaran Chandrasekaran, Bidhan Chandra Sharma. Prevalence of low back pain the truck drivers of mountainous terrain. Journal of Applied human factors and Ergonomics April 2010 edition.