Dean Profile
Name : Air Marshal (Retd) Dr. Gurdarshan Singh Joneja,VM
Mobile No: +91- 8900405146
Email Id: smims@smu.edu.in
Key Highlights
- Director & Commandant, Armed Forces Medical College, Pune
- Deputy Chief Integrated Defence Staff ( Medical)
- Senior Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- Recognised post-graduate teacher and examiner
- Appraiser for Medical Council of India & National Board of Examinations
- During 37 years of service in the Medical Services, have gained varied experience of Hospital Operations, Teaching Faculty, Hospital Administration & Health Administration. Emphasis has been on maintaining highest standards of quality patient care and patient safety. Gonfident of getting along with people & motivating them to work as a cohesive team to ensure achievement of the organizational goals.
Educational Qualifications:
No. |
1 |
Armed Forces Medical College, Pune |
2 |
( Obstetrics and Gynecology)
Armed Forces Medical College, Pune |
3 |
Fellow International College Of
Surgeons |
International College of Surgeons |
4 |
Certification Primary Aviation Medicine |
Institute of Aviation Medicine, Bengaluru |
Hospital Experience
- Senior Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology at Army Hospital (Research & Referral) New Delhi- 1050 beds;
- Command Hospital (Air Force) Bangalore- 900 beds;
- Command Hospital (Western Command) Chandigarh-800 beds.
Teaching & Training Experience
- Director & Commandant , Armed Forces Medical College Pune
- Professor & HOD, at AFMC Pune (MUHS Nashik), Command Hospital (Air Force ) Bangalore (RGUHS Bangalore), Army Hospital (R&R) New Delhi (Delhi Univ)
- Recognised Postgraduate teacher & examiner in Obstetrics & Gynaecology at above mentioned universities & NBE.
- Over 24 years teaching experience.
- Active participation in Graduate medical education, nursing education & paramedical training.
- Published 11 papers in indexed journals.
- Guided postgraduate students in research & dissertation.
Administrative Experience
- Deputy Chief of Integrated Defence Staff ( Medical ) , New Delhi- responsible for developing strategic medical doctrine & Information Technology integration at tri-service level.
- Additional Director General Medical services ( Air)- responsible for policy planner, resource allocator, performance evaluation & adjudicator of grievances.
- Principal Medical Officer, HQ Western Air Command- responsible for administration & performance of 42 Air Force medical units in a busy operational theatre. Also responsible for cross functional linkages with Army & Navy.
- Deputy Commandant & Principal of Apex Tertiary Care Air Force Hospital at Bangalore having 900 beds. Responsible for Budget planning, utilization of funds, provision of medical stores. Job description included implementation of quality programme, performance appraisal, HR planning & resource allocation.
- Vayu Seva Medal ( VM )
- Chief of Army Staff Commendation