Library Rules
- Silence should be maintained in the Library.
- Only registered members are allowed to use the Library.
- No eatables are allowed in the Library.
- Spitting, smoking and other offensive or objectionable practices are strictly prohibited.
- Registered members are issued a library membership identity card.
- Members should produce their ID cards at the entrance of the Library.
- Cell phones should be switched off or kept in the silent mode within Library premises.
- Student membership of the Library is renewed at the beginning of the academic year.
- Reader's Tickets/library membership ID cards are non-transferable.
- Books are normally issued for a period of 15 days.
- Reference books, Periodicals & project reports, Question Papers are not issued out. However in some genuine cases they have to take permission from the Librarian.
- Borrowers must satisfy themselves with the physical condition of books before borrowing.
- Members are responsible for books issued against their lost tickets.
- Issued books returned after due date attract overdue charges.
- Readers are not allowed to bring personal books or any printed material and other personal belongings like bags, umbrellas, etc. inside the library. These materials are to be kept at the Property Counter at their own risk. Only a Single Note Book is allowed to take Inside the Reference Section.
- Readers are advised not to leave their precious and valuable items like money, passport, certificate, credit card etc. at the Property Counter.
- Readers should not carry books from one section to another and also leave the books on the reading table after use.
- Readers should not write in, mark or otherwise disfigure/damage books, furniture, etc.
- If a book is lost borrower is responsible to replace the book or pay three times thecost of the book.
- Library can recall any issued book even before the due date.
- Playing games, downloading games, software, music /video files is strictly prohibited in the electronic library area.
- Library computers are meant for searching the Online Journals only and students are also allowed for the same.
- On completion of course No dues Certificate will be issued only on surrender of Library ID card / borrower's card.
- Violations of Library rules can lead to hefty fines / debarred from Library.