
Membership & Rules
Internal : Members from the Institute community are granted membership on presentation of duly filled‑in registration cards, which can be obtained from the Circulation Counter.
External : Members from business/industrial and government set‑ups as well as from the academics are granted membership under certain specified conditions.
Membership Category:
Registration Rs.5,000.00
Annual Subscription Rs.5,000.00
Life Membership: The business and the industrial organizations may opt for life membership by paying Rs.1,00,000.00 towards registration and subscription charges for library services. The life member may designate four of its executives of avail of the library services.
A member is entitled to make free use of reading, reference, and referral facilities of the library.
Special Services:
Besides, a member would be entitled to receive a free copy of each of the library's Current Awareness Bulletins. These include: (i) Current Additions of books and reports; and (ii) Current Contents of periodicals.
In addition, members may avail themselves of the following fee-based services:
Reprographic Services:
On request, photocopy/ies of the document/s available in the library may be provided subject to copyright restrictions. The fee for this service will be determined by the Institute from time to time, on the basis of variable and overhead costs.
Retrospective Searches:
On request, retrospective literature searches, on topics of interest, will be conducted by the library. The service would include all the sources held by the library in print, non-print as well as the magnetic media and the charges will depend on comprehensiveness of the service required.
Select Dissemination of Information (SDI) Services:
If is proposed to start the service wherein monthly lists of articles matching the Interest Profiles of the members, would be sent to keep them updated with the latest literature coming in the most recent issues of national and international periodicals. The service would cover 500 periodical titles and the charges will depend on the comprehensiveness of the service required.
Borrowing facilities will be extended to a member against a refundable deposit of Rs.5,000.00 provided that the member concerned gives an undertaking that the book/s will not be taken outside Lucknow and will be returned within 24 hours as and when asked to do so. A member would be entitled to borrow a maximum of four boks at a time for a retention period of 30 days. Over-retention charges will be Rs.5.00 per day upto a maximum of 90 days beyond which the membership will be cancelled and deposit forfeited.
Audio-visual Cassette:
Educational Video Cassettes : Fee Rs. 100/- per day per cassette. Educational Audio Cassettes : Fee Rs. 10/- per day per cassette. Over-retention charges will be Rs.20.00 (for Video Cassette) and Rs. 5.00 (for Audio Cassette) per day upto a maximum of 7 days beyond which the membership will be cancelled and the deposit forfeited.
Further Information:
The Institute's librarian would be pleased to offer any further information that prospective clients might like to have. The contact address is as follows :
Dr.Tariq Ashraf
Indian Institute of Management,
Prabandh Nagar,
Off Sitapur Road Lucknow - 226013, India
Phones: (0522) 2736944 E-mail: librarian@iiml.ac.in Fax :(0522) 2734025-27
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