
Electronic library contains an exhaustive set of databases to meet the information needs of the academic community.
Major Databases available in the E-library
Industrial databases |
Online databases |
2. ACM Digital Library
3. Business Source Premier (EBSCO)
4. Emerald Fulltext
5. e-journals
6. IEEE (Xplore)
Corporate / Industry Information |
Capitaline, Asian/Cerc, Prowess, Capex, India Trade, Mergers & Acquisitions, etc. |
Country Research |
Business Beacon, GMID, ISI Emerging Markets, IndiaStat.com, etc. |
E-learning |
E-books |
Harvard ManageMentor Plus |
Ebrary |
Industry Databases |
Cris/Infac, ICRA Industry Watch, CMIE Industry Analysis Service |
Marketing Databases |
MagIndia.com, RK Swamy BBDO Guide |
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