
About Database
ABI/INFORM-GLOBAL (Business Periodicals On Disc) |
The ABI / Inform is one of the premier source of business information for more than 30 years. The database contains content from thousands of journals that help researchers track business conditions, trends, management techniques, corporate strategies, and industry-specific topics worldwide. It consists of 1800 full-text journals (Back files from 1971-present)and 2000 journals that are indexed and abstracted. The resource is offered on Web with CD ROM backup. |
Academic Search Elite |
The database contains full text for 1833 journals which includes PDF images for the great majority of journlas.It supports core curriculum degree requirements and elective classes and provides full text journal coverage for nearly all areas of study including social sciences, humanities, education, computer sciences, engineering, physics, chemistry, language and linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences, ethnic studies,etc. |
ACM Digital Library |
The ACM Digital Library incorporates digital versions of works published by ACM since its inception. The major components of the resource is an enhanced version of the ACM Digital Library plus an extended bibliographic database, consisting of more than a quarter-million citations of core works in computing. The ACM Digital Library hosts over 103,000 full-text articles from ACM journals, magazines, and conference proceedings and half million bibliographic Records with about 2,50,000 links to full bibliographic information and 70,000 further links to full text resources. The access is for 32 Full text journals +Conference proceedings+ others |
Blackwell Journals |
306 titles of 'Humanities & Social Sciences' journal collection of Blackwell Publishers are available online. Most of the journals have back files from 1997+. |
Business Source Premier ( EBSCO ) |
Business Source Premier, is a comprehensive database which contains index and abstracts for more than 3,800 business-related periodicals with coverage back as far as the first half of the 20th century for many leading scholarly journals. It also includes the research community’s foremost business thesaurus as well as searchable citations (a.k.a. linked, cited references) for more than 1,100 academic journals. In addition, this database provides full text for more than 3,000 periodicals, including nearly 1,000 full text peer-reviewed journals, the most found in any business database. Business Source Premier is the most comprehensive archive available for business journals, offering hundreds of thousands of peer reviewed business articles in PDF prior to 1985. Post-1985 coverage is also with current full text from leading journals in every area of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance, econometrics, economics, international business, and more. The database also includes other sources such as hundreds of full text country economic reports from eight different providers (including the EIU), hundreds of full text reference books & scholarly monographs, hundreds of industry reports, and thousands of detailed company profiles. This database is updated daily. |
Business Beacon |
The Business Beacon is a comprehensive time-series database on the Indian economy. It brings to you 9,808 economic indicators in upto six frequencies. The six frequencies are : daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, cumualative & annual. These total upto 25,522 series of economic data. The database is updated daily with the latest information.
Business Beacon contains time-series data on the following broad sectors: Population and Demography, National Income Statistics, Public Finance, Money & Banking, Agriculture, Industry, Prices, Energy, Transport, Capital Markets, Investment Trends, Foreign Trade & the External Sector, Tourism, Health, Education and Employment. Business Beacon provides a brief explanation of the individual indicators and their sources. The service is designed to help researchers get long time-series data with ease. CMIE specialises in carefully scanning the myriad sources of data, in processing the available information and in presenting these in clean useable series. Business Beacon also brings to you abstracts of recent news items.
The database is accessible through a user-friendly software. With this you may select indicators into a spreadsheet, plot charts, do a text search, calculate growth rates, etc., with ease.
Business Monitor International |
Business Monitor International, a leading print and online publisher of specialist business information on global emerging markets.
BMI's daily online service offering same-day interpretation of financial, economic and political developments and news analysis on 175 countries worldwide, backed by in-depth country analyses, forecasts, risk ratings and regulatory information - serving banks, corporates, government and multilaterals. |
Capitaline 2000 |
Capitaline 2000, is a corporate database on listed and unlisted Indian companies. It provides Information on more than 10000 companies with their financial and non-financial information with company query, industry, finance, score board and projections models. The Capitaline 2000 incorporate the state of the art facilities like, graphics currency conversion forecasters, multimedia and web-link. |
CRISINFAC Industry Information Service presents a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the current trends and the long-term performance outlook on 41 industries in India. It includes the evolution of an industry, the regulatory environment, cost structures, nature and extent of competition, global trends along with statistical information on capacities, production, imports-exports, domestic and international prices, consumption patterns. This information is updated on a regular basis and the 3-5 years long term outlook is updated on an annual basis. |
CapEx |
CapEx is a unique database on new and ongoing investment activities in India. These are investments into capacities being created by setting up new plant and machinery. It also includes investments into utilities and services such as retail, entertainment, etc. CapEx monitors all such investment projects. A project becomes a part of the CapEx database from the time it is announced and through its commissioning (or abandoning). The CapEx service thus provides a continuous update on the progress in implementation of the various investment projects.
The CapEx database covers investment projects in mining, manufacturing, electricity and infrastructure and services sectors. Generally, CapEx covers over 7,000 projects at any point in time. And, the order of magnitude of the investments envisaged in these projects add up to about Rs.8,00,000 crore. The precise numbers keep changing as new projects get added and the ones that got commissioned get excluded.
The CapEx service is thus, an invaluable source to find prospects for new business. Financial intermediaries, suppliers of capital goods and a host of others have gained enormously from the CapEx service.
CapEx has also created snapshots of the investment situation every quarter since 1995. The resultant time-series provides a useful barometer of the trends in investments in India. This has become a valuable indicator for researchers and policy makers. CapEx highlights the distribution of overall investments by industry, region and ownership.
Econlit |
EconLit, the American Economic Association’s electronic database, is the world’s foremost source of references to economic literature. The database contains more than 630,000 records covering 1969-present. EconLit covers virtually every area related to economics. |
Elsevier Science Journals |
Following Science Direct subject collection of journals with back files from 1995 is available online: Business & Management-82 titles Decision Sciences-36 titles Economics & Finance-75 titles |
Emerald Database |
Emerald Full text database covers 155 journals on management and related subjects brought out by MCB University Press,UK. The journals are indexed from 1989 and full text available from 1994 onwards. |
EBooks |
Ebrary offer a unique set of online e books, which combines close to 60,000 online authoritative books and other documents from over 200 leading academic, trade and professional publishers. |
First Source |
First Source is the largest database on the financials of companies registered in India. It is packed with financial information compiled from the audited annual accounts of over 300,000 companies registered with the Registrar of Companies. The database has been created by CMIE in collaboration with the Ministry of Company Affairs.
First Source is ideally suited to conduct a first-check on the financial health of a company. This is usually found to be of great help in locating possible business partners, potential markets for your goods or services, etc. First Source goes far beyond the usual directory searches of company names. Directories are usually, unable to provide financial information. First Source provides financial information on firms and sources this from the most authentic source - the company's audited annual accounts submitted to the Registrar of Companies.
Complete financial details are available for all public limited companies (including listed and unlisted companies). However, the financial details is limited to the assets and liabilities statement statistics in respect of private limited companies. Contact information is available for all kinds of companies. This large database is well organised by industries, ownership groups, location, etc. The reports are designed to provide a quick comparison of the financial performance of the company during the recent past. |
Grand-Jurix |
Decisions of the Supreme Court of India on all subjects from 1950 till date. |
The Global Market Information Database (GMID) provides key business intelligence on countries, companies, markets and consumers. It is an integrated on-line information system covering over 350 markets and 207 countries. GMID integrates research across the following categories of information: ¡P Statistics: Consolidates information on consumer lifestyles, retailing, countries, consumer market sizes and forecasts. ¡P Analysis: Euromonitor's in-depth market analysis reports, Major Market Profiles and journal articles covering consumer, industrial and service sectors. Also accessible are reports focusing on consumer lifestyles and the retailing industry. Companies: Profiles for leading FMCG companies along with financial, market share and brand information. „h Sources : All information sources stored on Euromonitor's internal databases. |
IBID ( India Business Insight Database ) |
Available from 1993 IBID compiles and consolidates vital information on Indian business and industry from over 40 plus newspapers and business magazines. The data is updated on CD every quarterly and weekly on internet. |
IEL Online |
The IEEE/IEE Electronic Library (IEL) covers almost one third of the world's current electrical engineering and computer science literature, providing access to publications from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Institution of electrical Engineers (IEE). The resource covers more than 950,000 documents from over 12,000 publications, including 219 journals, transactions, magazines, conference proceedings, IEEE Standards with backfiles from 1988 onwards plus select content dating back to 1950. More than 25,000 new pages are added per month. It provides access to more than two million full-page PDF images, including all original charts, graphs, diagrams, photographs, and illustrative material. |
Indiastat.com |
Indiastat.com is an online socio-economic database brought out by Datanet India Private Limited, New Delhi. The data has been compiled under 30 classifications with further categories.The site provides the user with an Online Bookstore with over 40000 titles apart from general information about India, a Resource Directory comprising of researched commercial database with lakhs of records, statistical data covering all parameters of Socio-economics, links of sites in India and abroad etc, |
Indlaw.Com |
INDLAW is a business-to-business Internet provider of research modules relating to Indian legal, tax, business and regulatory issues |
INFORMS Journals |
8 journals published by INFORMS is available online. |
ISI Emerging Markets |
Part of the Euromoney Institutional Investor Group, ISI Emerging Markets offers depth information on emerging market business and financial information, with the Internet as its primary distribution channel’s Emerging Markets has exhaustive country products on 35 emerging markets. The online service provides comprehensive coverage of significant local and international information across 39 developing markets. Data and information involve updates on a daily basis under the categories like News, Company, Industry, Financial Markets, Legal & current Affairs. |
India Trades |
India Trades presents India's official foreign trade statistics and related data in a user-friendly and software-enabled database. CMIE has signed an agreement with the official source of foreign trade data - the Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence & Statistics - to disseminate its data on trade. This is the most comprehensive database on India's trade that is collated by the DGCI&S from the various customs ports. The database is detailed upto the 8-digit level of classification. India Trades follows the Indian Trade Classification (based on the Harmonised System of Classification).
India exports and imports about 10,000 commodities to and from nearly 200 countries/regions. India Trades provides you with monthly statistics on this trade. The database provides quantity, value and unit value in respect of each of products exported or imported. CMIE has processed the original data to facilitate easy analysis of the trends in India's foreign trade. The monthly time-series is available for upto ten years. Annual series is available for about 15 years.
The software enables searches over this vast database. It also enables a comparative analysis of India's export performance in specific markets vis-a-vis competitors. India Trades also provides brief world trade statistics, news abstracts, exchange rates and other related databases. |
Asian CERC has exteremly sophisticated mechanisms that it deploys to digitize documents and to catalogue them electronically for easy deployment over the web Asian CERC also brings you indepth, un-biased perspectives to various Industries by making available to you Industry Analysis Reports from Asian CERC's Research and Advisory Division. INSIGHT brings you international Indices covering all the major markets namely American, European, Asia-Pacific, African-Middle East giving you updated movements from the world over. |
J-Gate Custom Content for Consortia, is a customized solution for accessing and sharing journal literature subscribed by all the IITs, IISc and IIMs, individually and collectively through INDEST Consortium. Joining this community of resource sharing consortium are 17 National Institutes of Technology to whom the benefits of JCCC@INDEST is extended as secondary members.
JCCC@INDEST is a common gateway to access 4,252 e-Journals from 1,028 publishers, subscribed by IITs, IISc. IIMs (15 Libraries). The journals of following INDEST Consortium registered publishers are included in JCCC@INDEST
· ACM Digital Libraries
· American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
· American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
· IEEE Electronic Library
· Nature
· Science Direct (Elsevier)
· Springer-Link |
John Wiley Journals |
31 Journals of John Wiley publishers with backfile date from 1998 are available online. |
Money Line Telerate |
Moneyline Telerate is the successor to Bridge Information Systems in Asia & Europe and Telerate operations globally and is a leading global provider of integrated real-time information and transaction services to the financial markets.Moneyline Telerate offers comprehensive coverage of Equities, Commodities, Fixed Income, Foreign Exchange, Energy and Derivative markets. Complemented by the richest news and research from hundreds of top third-party services.
With the world's premier content, IP based distribution platform and transaction systems, Moneyline Telerate provides financial services firms with cost-effective, flexible methods for using content to drive investment decisions.
Key highlights of Moneyline Telerate services
v Top quality content, deep historical data & flexible software
v A scalable database, network and delivery platform
v Market standard server technology
v Market Standard protocols |
PROWESS is a corporate database available from 1995 on India’s medium and larger companies designed for assisting researching companies and industries. The database contains information on over 7000 companies. The coverage includes public, private, cooperatives and joint sector companies. Apart from Annual Accounts of companies in India, it provides information from scores of others reliable source such as the stock exchanges, associations, etc. The coverage also includes the funds flows based on these, half yearly results, products and plans, raw materials, history of capital changes, bonus and dividends, stock prices and related information, expansion plans,etc. |
PsycINFO |
PsycINFO is an abstract (not full-text) database of psychological literature from the 1800s to the present. An essential tool for researchers, PsycINFO combines a wealth of content with precise indexing so you can get just what you need easily. Search a free demo of PsycINFO Direct to see what PsycINFO can do for you. |
Springer |
37 journals of Kluwer Publishers with back file from 1997 is available online. |
Copyright©2006, Total Library Solutions (India) Pvt. Ltd. |