Library Services
Videoconferencing Facility became operational in August 2007. It is a glittering feather in the cap of the library. The scientists of CCCSHAU can have live scientific discussions with the scientists of other organizations (remote locations) having common interests. It has a multipoint system. The scientists using this facility can have interactions with their fraternity of five remote locations simultaneously. In fact, this is a multipurpose facility. It can be used for watching a common CD, say a CD on environmental issues, by a group of students/scientists. It can also be used for making a PowerPoint Presentation to a group of the audience.
Reference Service implies the provision of human beings as canvassing agents for the learning resources. It, truly, reveals the positive outcome of the library ethics, and is a barometer of library’s reputation amongst its patrons. Reference Desk, headed by a senior library professional, is located on the first floor at the central place. The Reference Librarian, assisted by other staff guides/helps the library users in the location and selection of documents/ information, in the use of OPAC, and to procure information from other libraries, if the need be. It is here that the freshers are offered orientation programmes to apprise them of the library organization and services.

Nehru Library offers unmatched
Reading Facilities. There are 6 Reading Halls - 3 on First Floor and 3 on Second Floor - with seating capacity for 650 readers. Half of the reading area is air-conditioned, while the air-conditioning of the rest half is under active consideration. In addition, there is a Night Reading Facility with location on Ground Floor and seating capacity for about 80 readers. Presently, this facility is extended to the students during examination days. There is a plan to provide this facility throughout the year. It will open immediately after the closing time of the Library from the rear and keep open until mid-night. The plan is afoot to open this Hall during the day from inside also. This facility is under renovation to equip it with modern amenities such as air-conditioning, internet connectivity, new furniture, etc.
CD-ROM Database service was launched in September 2001. Several CD-ROM databases – CABI Abstracts, AGRICOLA, Biological Abstracts, AGRIS, Indian Science Abstracts etc. – are subscribed every year and form the backbone of this service. Over 6000 library patrons use this facility annually. Printouts of the searched records are supplied to the users @ Rs.2.00 per page. Scientists from other universities/Institutes can also use this facility @ Rs. 20.00 for every half an hour. Subscription of more databases such as Biotechnology Abstracts and Food Science and Technology is in the offing. It is very popular with the students and the scientists both.
Internet surfing facility was set up in 2001 with five nodes with location in CD-ROM database services room. There are, as of now, 15 Internet nodes in the Library. These nodes are located in the separate Internet Lab. This service is offered to the bonafide library patrons free of cost. Printouts of the searched records are supplied @ Rs.2.00 per page. Scientists from other educational and research institutes can also use this facility, with special permission, at a charge of Rs. 20.00 for every one hour with printout facility @ Rs. 2.00 per page. It opens half an hour after the opening of the library and closes three hours before its closing time. This facility is used so heavily that there is a plan afoot to strengthen it further by addition of 10 more PCs.
Online Catalogue (Online Public Access Catalogue) and database of
Periodicals’ Holdings are accessible to the scientists/teachers/ extension specialists/ students/others from the PCs with linkage to the Campus Network and locations all over the university campus. A single click on Library Catalogue on University’s Homepage (URL : http;// will connect the user to OPAC. OPAC answers all such queries as : what different books by an author are available in the Library; whether a book with a particular title is available in the Library; whether a book available in the Library is on the shelf or issued to someone; if it is issued, who has borrowed it, and when it is due; and so on. OPAC also reveals the New Additions to its users and maintains this list for a month’s time. It is updated daily without nay human intervention.

The entire range of
Circulation functions - use of barcoded University ID-cum-Library Cards for Check-out and Check-in of reading material, calculation of overdue charges, printing of gate-passes, reservation of books, printing of reminders for outstanding books, checking of a book whether it is checked-out or is available on shelf, if checked-out to whom it is issued and when it is due, blocking of user account, statistical data, and all other circulation-related functions - is computerized. Formation of long queues of borrowers in front of Circulation Counter has become a part of library history.
HAU Bookshop is a unique service which this Library provides to the university community. No other library in the country offers this type of facility. Nehru Library also avails of Bookshop facility for the purchase of its reading material and earns an average discount of 25%. Total annual library savings on the purchase of books, journals and other learning resources crosses the figure of Rs. 12.00 lakhs. The university staff and students are also entitled to purchase personal books through the Bookshop and avail of discount facility. The University community is passed on entire amount discount which the Bookshop gets on cash sales, but retains a part of discount on credit sales.
Book Bank is a collection of multiple copies of textbooks. These books can be borrowed by the students for a semester (in semester system) or a year (in annual system) against nominal rental charges (10% of the cost of the book if the cost is upto Rs. 100/- or Rs 10/- + 5% of the cost of the book exceeding Rs. 100/-). There is a Social Welfare Section in the Book Bank. Books placed in this Section are reserved for the students belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, and are issued to them free of charge. Each student is entitled to borrow four books from the Bank. It is at this place that the Library Patrons are issued their University ID-cum-Library Cards, and granted privilege to use library services.
Binding helps the documents to withstand wear and tear due to heavy use and rough handling. The Library, therefore, has its own well-equipped
Bindery with well-trained manpower. All the reading material except pre-bound books procured in the Library is bound before its transfer to the stacks. Repair and rebinding of the documents is also the responsibility of the Bindery