Guidelines Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College and General Hospital
Guidelines for making suggestions for purchasing the books for Central & Dept. Library
- Complete bibliographical details such as full name of author/editor with initials, title, publisher, edition &year of publication, full name of publisher/ associations/ sponsoring body should be furnished in suggestion form.
- If the title is published in series or sets, details about volumes or part, series name, editor may please be mentioned.
- All literature, pamphlets etc. from which the titles are selected may please be forwarded to the library, if required these will be returned after verification.
- Availability in the local market, if known, may be indicated in the remarks column.
- Text books may be suggested on PRIORITY BASIS(MCI Criteria 10 copies each) with indication in remarks column.
- The requirement should be submitted in both soft & hard copy.