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Library of National Institute of Nutrition (Indian Council of Medical Research)
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1937-1965, 1966-1975, 1976-1988, 1989-2004 |
1989 |
Abdullah Al Momen, SM Effect of postnatal low dose Vitamin A supplementation on Vitamin A status of mothers and infants. Hyderabad. NIN, 1989. Keyword(s) : THESIS-M.Sc(AN); VITAMIN A; MOTHERS; INFANTS |
Hanumantha Rao, D Growth pattern of tribal groups in different ecological settings. Tirupathi. Sri Venkateshwara Univ, 1989. Keyword(s) : THESIS; GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT; TRIBES; Ph.D |
Harinarayana Rao, S Effect of the early malnutrition an diet induced thermogenesis. Hyderabad, NIN, 1989. Keyword(s): THESIS; Ph.D; MALNUTRITION; DIET; THERMOGENESIS 043:612.39 R.11552 |
Pangrekar, Jyotsna Studies on the effect of riboflavin deficiency on carcinogen metabolism. Hyderabad. NIN, 1989. Guide: Dr. Jagadeesan, V. Keyword(s) : Ph.D; THESIS; RIBOFLAVIN; CARCINOGEN; METABOLISM |
Santosh Kumar, Kotamarti Bioavailability of different brands of tetracycline in undernourished. Hyderabad, NIN, 1989. Keyword(s): THESIS; M.D.; BIOAVAILABILITY; TETRACYCLINE; UNDERNUTRITION 043:615.7 SAN R.11978 |
Seshidhar Rao, S Role of mycotoxins and Vitamins in the development of pellagra. Hyderabad. NIN, 1989. Keyword(s) : Ph.D; THESIS; MYCOTOXINS; VITAMINS; PELLAGRA |
Shantharam, Padmini Biochemical studies on myelinogenesis in the developing brain in relation to nutritional stress. Hyderabad. NIN, 1989. Guide: Dr.Srinivasa Rao, P. Keyword(s) : Ph.D; THESIS; BIOCHEMICAL STUDIES; MYELINOGENESIS; BRAIN; NUTRITION |
Taher, Mohiuddin Mohammed Studies on folic acid degradation. Hyderabad. NIN, 1989. Guide: Dr.Lakshmaiah, N. Keyword(s) : Ph.D; THESIS; FOLIC ACID |
Vasantha Rao, P Biochemical changes in riboflavin deficient rat lens and opacity. Hyderabad. NIN, 1989. Guide: Dr.Seetharam Bhat, K. Keyword(s) : Ph.D; THESIS; BIOCHEMICAL; RIBOFLAVIN; RAT; LENS |
Vijayakumar, M Immunobiological basis & the role of malnutrition in the evolution of childhood tuberculosis. Hyderabad, NIN, 1989. Guide: Dr.Bhaskaram, P Keyword(s): THESIS; Ph.D; IMMUNOLOGY; MALNUTRITION; CHILDREN; TUBERCULOSIS R.11220 |
1990![]() |
Balasaraswathi, CR Is there a gender bias in diet and nutritional status of preschool girl child. Hyderabad. NIN, 1990. Guide: Dr.Vijayaraghavan, K. Keyword(s) : THESIS; M.Sc(AN); GENDER BIAS; DIET; NUTRITION; GIRL CHILD |
Gautami, Siddhula Uptake of some heavy metals by crop plants and its relevance to human nutrition health. Hyderabad. NIN, 1990. Guide: Dr. Ramesh V.Bhat. Keyword(s) : THESIS; HEAVY METALS; Ph.D |
Krishnaveni, K Assessment of LMI respouse in relation to nutritional status and severity of tuberculosis following treatment. Hyderabad. NIN, 1990. Guide: Dr.Bhaskaram, P. Keyword(s) : THESIS; M.Sc(AN); LMI; NUTRITIONAL STATUS; TUBERCULOSIS |
Manivasagam, M Health nutritional status and psychosocial development of pre-school children in selected rural ICDS and non-ICDS areas - a comparative study. Hyderabad. NIN, 1990. Guide: Dr.Pralhad Rao, N. Keyword(s) : THESIS; M.Sc(AN); PUBLIC HEALTH; NUTRITIONAL STATUS; PSYCHOLOGY; PRESCHOOL CHILDREN; CHILDREN; ICDS; INTEGRATED CHILD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES |
Padmaja Prasad, A Aetiology and functional impact of riboflavin deficiency. Sri Venkateshwara Univ, 1990. Keyword(s) : Ph.D; THESIS; RIBOFLAVIN |
Raman , Leela Energy deficiency in pregnancy-glucose homeostasis and intra-uterine growth retardation: treatise submitted to the Nagpur Univ for the award ofthe Degree of D.Sc (Med). Hyd. NIN, 1990. Keyword(s) : THESIS; ENERGY DEFICIENCY; PREGNANCY; OBSTETRIC AND GYNECOLOGY; D.Sc 043:618 RAM R.6668 |
Ravikumar, K Role of Vitamin A deficiency in urolithiasis. Hyderabad. NIN, 1990. Guide: Dr.Anasuya Das. Keyword(s) : Ph.D; THESIS; VITAMIN A DEFICIENCY; UROLITHIASIS |
Seth, Reena A Profile on street foods in Secunderabad. Hyderabad. NIN, 1990. Guide: Dr.Ramesh V Bhat. Keyword(s) : THESIS; M.Sc(AN); STREET FOODS; FOODS; SECUNDERABAD 043:615.9:613.2 SET R.5464 |
Soares, Mario John The Effect of physical activity on the riboflavin status of adult men. Hyderabad. NIN, 1990. Guide:Dr. Mahatab S Bamji & Dr.Satyanarayana, K. Keyword(s) : THESIS; M.Sc(AN); PHYSICAL ACTIVITY; RIBOFLAVIN; MEN 043:612.392.01:612.766.1 SOA R.5082 |
1991![]() |
Ghosh, AK Ampicillian pharmacokinetics in undernutrition. Hyderabad. NIN, 1991. Guide: Dr.Kamala Krishnaswamy & Dr.Jagadeesan, V. Keyword(s) : THESIS; M.Sc(AN); AMPICILLIAN; PHARMACOKINETICS; UNDERNUTRITION |
Godhara, VS A Study of secular trends in anthropometric profile of well-to-do male children in Hyderabad. Hyderabad. NIN, 1991. Guide: Dr.Hanumantha Rao, D. Keyword(s) : THESIS; M.Sc(AN); ANTHROPOMETRIC; CHILDRENS; HYDERABAD |
Neeti Atreya Evaluation of nutritional and physical fitness status of young athletes. Bombay, SNDT Women’s Univ, 1991. Keyword(s): THESIS; Ph.D; NUTRITIONAL STATUS; PHYSICAL FITNESS; ATHLETES 043:612.766.1 NEE R.11555 |
Rajarathnam, V Lactation performance of primiparae and anthropometric changes in their offsprings till six (6) months. Hyderabad. NIN, 1991. Guide: Dr.Leela Raman. Keyword(s) : THESIS; M.Sc(AN); LACTATION; PRIMIPARAE; ANTHROPOMETRIC; OFFSPRINGS 043:612.664:39 RAJ R.5462 |
Rajashekar, KS Effect of single, massive, oral dose of Vitamin A on the iron status of children. Hyderabad. NIN, 1991. Guide: Dr.Bhaskaram P & Dr.Madhavan Nair K. Keyword(s) : THESIS; M.Sc(AN); VITAMIN A; IRON; CHILDREN 043:612.392.01A:617.7 RAJ R.5463 |
Sarkar, Swapan Regional adiposity in type II diabetes. Hyderabad. NIN, 1991. Guide: Dr.Raghuram, TC. Keyword(s) : THESIS; M.Sc(AN); ADIPOSITY; DIABETES 043:616.379 SAR R.5945 |
Udayachander, M Immunodiagnosis of asymptomatic malignant lymphomas. Madras, Cancer Institute, 1991. Keyword(s): THESIS; M.Sc(AN); IMMUNODIAGNOSIS; LYMPHOMAS 043:616-006.6 R.11551 |
1992![]() |
Aminul Islam, M Zinc and copper nutriture in new born babies and weanling infants. Hyderabad. NIN, 1992. Guide: Dr.Bhaskaram, P. Keyword(s) : THESIS; M.Sc(AN); ZINC; COPPER; NEW BORN BABIES; WEANING INFANTS |
Balakrishna, N Efficiency of some parametric tests of inference in nutritional anthropometry: abstracts of thesis submitted to O.U. for the award of Ph.D (Statistics). Hyd. NIN, 1992. Dr.K.Visweswara Rao. Keyword(s) : THESIS; Ph.D 043:612.39:572 BAL R.6561 |
Chatterjee, A Basal metabolic rate, Body composition and energy cost of standard physical activities in male adolescents. a dissertation submitted to the Univ. of Health Sci. Vijayawada. Hyd. NIN, 1992. Guide Dr.Y.V.Ramana. Keyword(s) : THESIS; M.Sc(AN) 043:612.015E:612.766.1 CHA R.6498 |
Dinesh Kumar, B Lead toxicity-early detection and an approach towards prevention: thesis submitted to O U for the Degree of Ph D (Pharmacology). Hyd. NIN, 1992. Guide: Dr. Kamala Krishnaswamy. Keyword(s) : THESIS; LEAD TOXICITY; TOXICOLOGY; Ph.D 043:615.9 DIN R.6634 |
Gadhia, M A Protein energy undernutrition and calculogenic risk factors of urine: studies in children: a sissertation submitted to the A P Univ. of health Sciences, Vijayawada (M.Sc Applied Nutrition). Hyd NIN, 1992. Guide Dr. A.Anasuya Das. Keyword(s) : THESIS; M.Sc(AN) 043:612.39:616.61 GAD R.6499 |
Honkanen, T Comparative studies of the olfactory system and the lateral line system of three-spined stickle back(Gasterosteus aculeatus) and the nine sined...Doctoral thesis. Lund. Univ of Lund, 92. Keyword(s) : THESIS 043:597 HON R.6495 |
Krishna, D Study on the application, usage and comparison of some multivariate statistical techniques. Abstract. Hyderabad. OU, 1992. Guide: Dr.Visweswara Rao, K. Keyword(s) : THESIS; STATISTICS; Ph.D |
Manorama, K Studies on red palm oil (Elaeis Guineensis_- Nutritional,biochemical and toxicological aspects: Thesis submitted to the O.U.for the award of the degree of Ph.D. in Biochemistry. Hyd. NIN, 1992. Keyword(s) : THESIS; LIPIDS; TOXICOLOGY; NUTRITION; Ph.D 043:612.397:615.9:612.39 MAN R.6348 |
Muthu, VK Maternal risk factors and pregnancy outcome in cesarean deliveries. Hyderabad. NIN, 1992. Guide: Dr.Leela Raman. Keyword(s) : THESIS; M.Sc(AN); MATERNAL; PREGNANCY; CESAREAN DELIVERY |
Ranganathan, Malati Energy balance of urban women. Bombay, SNDT Women’s Univ, 1992. Keyword(s): THESIS; Ph.D; ENERGY BALANCE; WOMEN 043:612.015 RAN R.11554 |
Sarkar, Swapan Regional adiposity in type II diabetes. Hyderabad, NIN, 1992. Keyword(s) THESIS; M.Sc(AN); ADIPOSITY; DIABETES 043:616.379 SAR R.11971 |
Sawma, PL Pattern of food adulteration in an urban slum. Hyderabad. NIN, 1992. Guide: Dr.Ramesh V Bhat. Keyword(s) : THESIS; M.Sc(AN); FOOD ADULTERATION; TOXICOLOGY; PUBLIC HEALTH 043:615.9:614.39 SAW R.6502 |
Sukumaran, K Anticancer activity of selected medicinal plants. Calicut, Univ.of Calicut, 1992. Guide: Dr.Ramadassan Kuttan Keyword(s): THESIS; Ph.D; ANTICANCER; MEDICINAL PLANTS R.11224 |
1993![]() |
Ashraf, Rifat Nisar The Epidemiology of breastbeeding and its impact compared to other modes of feeding on interactions and growth in a poor population. Goteberg. Univ of Goteborg, 1993. Keyword(s) : THESIS; LACTATION; THESIS-OTHERS 043:612.664 ASH R.6795 |
Balakrishna, N Efficiency of some parametric tests of infernece in nutritional anthropometry. Hyderabad. NIN, 1993. Guide: Dr.K.Visweswara Rao. Keyword(s) : NUTRITION; ANTHROPMETRY; THESIS; Ph.D |
Bhoopathi Reddy, M Nutrition content in the training of health functionaries at the Regional Training Centres in Andhra Pradesh: a dissertation submitted to the Univ. of Health Sciences Hyd. NIN, 1993. Guide Dr. N.Pralhad Rao. Keyword(s) : THESIS; M.Sc(AN) 043:612.39:378 BHO R.6501 |
Jayanthi Rao, N Studies on iron deficiency and mechanisms of carcinogenesis: Thesis submitted to the O U for the award of the Degree of Ph D (Biochem). Hyd. NIN, 1993. Guide: Dr. V.Jagadeesan. Keyword(s) : THESIS; IRON; CANCER; Ph.D 043:616-006.6(051) JAY R.6664 |
Leela Maheswara Rao, D Studies on iodine metabolism role of dietary factors in endemic goiter biochemical mechanisms of goitrogenicity: Thesis submitted to O.U. for the award of Ph.D (Biochemistry). Hyd. NIN, 1993. Dr.B.S.Narasinga Rao. Keyword(s) : THESIS; Ph.D 043:616.441.006.5 LEE R.6567, R.11995 |
Mahimkar, Manoj B Biological studies an genotoxic effects of occupational tobacco exposure in tobacco processing plant workers. Bombay, Cancer Res Inst TMC, 1993. Guide: Dr.Bhisey, RA Keyword(s): THESIS; Ph.D; BIOLOGICAL STUDIES; GENOTOXIC; OCCUPATION; TOBACCO R.11221 |
Rajendra Prasad, M P Nitroso compounds in foods and beverages: a dissertation submitted to the A P Univ. of Health Sciences, Vijayawada (M.Sc Applied Nutrition). Hyd. NIN, 1993. Guide Dr. Kamala Krishnaswamy. Keyword(s) : THESIS; M.Sc(AN) 043:664:616-006.6 RAJ R.6500 |
Sreeramulu, D Role of ferritin in iron nutrition of monkey: Thesis submitted to the O.U.for the award of Ph.D.(Biochemistry). Hyd. NIN, 1993. Guide: Dr.B.Sivakumar. Keyword(s) : THESIS; NUTRITION; MINERAL METABOLISM; Ph.D 043:612.39:612.392.69.72 SRE R.7149 |
Srikumar, T S Assessment of trace element status in different populations: a thesis submitted to Univ of Lund, Sweden. Ph.D. Lund. Univ. of Lund, 1993. Keyword(s) : THESIS; M.Sc(AN) 043:612.392.69 SRI R.6518 |
Sundell-Ranby, B Food intake fibrinolysis and risk factors for cardiovascular disease: studies with special focus on Plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PLAI-1). Umea. Umea Univ, 1993. (Umea Univ Med Dissertation New Srries No.368) Keyword(s) : THESIS; DIETETICS; CARDIOLOGY; THESIS-OTHERS 043:613.2:616.12 SUN R.6699 |
Vasanthi, S Dietary intake of aflatoxin and risk assessment: a thesis submittted for the award of Ph.D.(Food Science) submitted to SNDT Women's Univ Bombay. Hyd. NIN, 1993. Guide: Bhat,Ramesh V and Subbalakshmi,G. Keyword(s) : THESIS; TOXICOLOGY; DIETETICS; Ph.D 043:615.9:613.2 VAS R.6858 |
1994![]() |
Chinnaswamy, N Influence of nutritional status on the mechanisms of hepatocarcinogenesis by N-Nitrosodimethylamine. Hyderabad. NIN, 1994. Guide: Dr.Rukmini, C. Keyword(s) : THESIS; CANCER; CARCINOGENESIS; Ph.D |
Das, J C Socio-economic determinants of prevalence of anaemia in rural children: A dissertation submitted to Univ.of Health Sciences,Vijayawada for M.Sc(A.N). Hyd. NIN, 1994. Guide:Dr.G N V Brahmam. Keyword(s) : THESIS; ANAEMIA; M.Sc(AN) 043:616.155.194.5 DAS R.6948 |
Murthy, Neetha Immunology of poliomyelitis. Hyderabad. NIN, 1994. Guide: Dr.Bhaskaram, P. Keyword(s) : Ph.D; THESIS; IMMUNOLOGY; POLIOMYELITIS |
Nagababu, E Antioxidant effects of Eugenol. Hyderabad. NIN, 1994. Guide: Dr.Lakshamaiah, N. Keyword(s) : Ph.D; THESIS; ANTIOXIDANTS; EUGENOL |
Pranati Das Studies on bioavailability of iron and zinc from raw and processed foods. Hyderabad. APAU, 1994. Guide: Dr.K.Chittemma Rao & Dr.Raghuramulu, N. Keyword(s) : Ph.D; THESIS; BIOAVAILABILITY; IRON; ZINC; RAW FOODS; PROCESSED FOODS |
Prema, T P Calcinogenic principle in plants: thesis submitted to O.U. Hyd.for the award of Ph.D.(Biochemistry). Hyd. NIN, 1994. Guide:Dr.N.Raghuramulu. Keyword(s) : THESIS; VITAMIN D; BOTANY; Ph.D 043:612.392.01D:58 PRE R.7345 |
Rau, Parvathi Methods for nutrition education effectiveness of delivering media messages on nutrition through different change agents in rural areas. Hyderabad. NIN, 1994. Keyword(s) : Ph.D; THESIS; NUTRITION EDUCATION |
Ravinder, P Norethisterone evanthate as a long acting oral contraceptive agent. Hyderabad. NIN, 1994. Keyword(s) : Ph.D; THESIS; NORETHISTERONE; ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES |
Roggeband, R DNA-Adduct kinetics,cell proliferation and precancerous changes in benzo(a)pyrene-treated hamster trachea in organ culture. Utrecht. Univ.of Utrecht, 1994. Keyword(s) : THESIS; CANCER; THESIS-OTHERS 043:616-006.6 ROG R.7326 |
Saraswathy, A Seasonal availability and consumption of carotene rich foods in rural preschool children: a dissertation submitted to Univ.of Health Sci, Vijayawada for degree of M.Sc.(A N). Hyd. NIN, 1994. Guide: Dr.Vijayaraghavan K. Keyword(s) : THESIS; VITAMIN A; M.Sc(AN) 043:612.392.01a SAR R.6949 |
Sudershan Rao, V Analytical and toxicological studies on selected newer food adulterants. Hyderabad. NIN, 1994. Guide: Dr.Ramesh V.Bhat. Keyword(s) : Ph.D; THESIS; ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY; TOXICOLOGY; FOOD ADULTERATION |
Vijayalakshmi, K Diet,regional adiposity and metabolic profile in hypertension: thesis submitted to Avinashilingam Inst.Home Science & Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore for the Degree of Ph.D.(Food service management and dietetics). Hyd. NIN, 1994. Guides:Dr.Parvathi,E P and Dr.Kamala Krishnaswamy. Keyword(s) : THESIS; DIETETICS; CARDIOLOGY; Ph.D 043:613.2:616.12 VIJ R.7381 |
1995![]() |
Bhadauria, JS Media using habits and life style factors as determinants of dietary behaviour of urban based population. Hyderabad. NIN, 1995. Guide: Dr.Anil Kumar Dube. Keyword(s) : THESIS; M.Sc(AN); MEDIA; HABITS; LIFE STYLE; DIET; POPULATION |
Bhanuprakash Reddy, G Alterations in rat lens metabolism on ultraviolet-B irradiation in vitro. Hyderabad, NIN, 1995. Guide: Dr.K.Seetharam Bhat keyword(s): THESIS; Ph.D; RAT; LENS; METABOLISM; ULTRAVIOLET 043:617.7 BHA R.10217 |
Neelam Neurotoxicity of aluminium in experimental rats - role of nutritional factors. Hyderabad. NIN, 1995. Guide: Dr.Mahtab S.Bamji. Keyword(s) : Ph.D; THESIS; NEUROTOXICITY; ALUMINIUM; RATS; NUTRITION |
Ramdas Murthy, V Education of health professionals for primary health care. Keyword(s): THESIS; M.Sc(AN); EDUCATION; PUBLIC HEALTH; PRIMARY HEALTH CARE. 043:378:614 RAM R.11793 |
Reddy, CVK; Vijaykumar Reddy, C Role of dietary carbohydrate on calcium metabolism. Hyderabad. NIN, 1995. Keyword(s) : Ph.D; THESIS; DIET; CARBOHYDRATE; CALCIUM METABOLISM |
Sunita Rao, D Vitamin D in fishes: its origin, metabolism and functions. Hyderabad. NIN, 1995. Guide: Dr.Raghuramulu, N. Keyword(s) : Ph.D; THESIS; VITAMIN D; FISH; METABOLISM |
Usha Rani, N Comparative study of the psychological profile of parents of the well adjusted and maladjusted children. Hyderabad. NIN, 1995. Keyword(s) : Ph.D; THESIS; PSYCHOLOGY; CHILD |
1996![]() |
Bhaskara Chary, K Studies on carotenoids in some plant foods as a source of Vitamin A. Guide: Dr. Y.G.Deosthale Keyword(s): Ph.D; THESIS; CAROTENOIDS; BETACAROTENE; VITAMINA |
Krishnaiah Goud, V Effect of turmeric/curcumin (corcuma longa linn) xenobiotic metabolism and carcinogenesis. Hyderabad. NIN, 1996. Guide: Dr.Kamala Krishnaswamy. Keyword(s) : Ph.D; THESIS; TURMERIC; CURCUMIN; XENOBIOTIC METABOLISM; CARCINOGENESIS |
Krishnamurthy, Nandita To Study the correlation between membrance changes and immune response as affected by dietary fats in mice. Hyderabad,NIN,1996. Keyword(s): THESIS; Ph.D; MEMBRANCE; IMMUNOLOGY; DIETRY; FATS; MICE 043:612.397:576.8.097 KRI R.11553 |
Murthy, SN Studies on the enzymatic conversion of L-Lysine to pipecolic acid: identification of L-amino acid oxidase in mouse brain. Hyderabad. NIN, 1996. Guide: Dr. Janardhana Sarma, MK. Keyword(s) : Ph.D; THESIS; LYSINE; AMINO ACIDS |
Pattanayak, CC Health and nutrition information through multichannel television - an urban study. Hyderabad. NIN, 1996. Guide: Dr.Raghuram TC & Dr.Saibaba A. Keyword(s) : THESIS; M.Sc(AN); PUBLIC HEALTH; NUTRITION; INFORMATION; TELEVISION 043:612.39:37:614 PAT R.8477 |
Sridevi, C Food safety in institutional catering. Hyderabad. NIN, 1996. Guide: Dr.Ramesh V Bhat. Keyword(s) : THESIS; M.Sc(AN); FOOD SAFETY; CATERING 043:615.916 SRI R.8313 |
1997![]() |
Bagwe, Aparna N Bioactivity of bidi tobacco & biomonitoring of bidi industry workers for mutagenic burden & genotoxic hazards of occupational tobacco exposure. Bombay, Univ.of Bombay, 1997. Keyword(s): THESIS; Ph.D; BIOACTIVITY; TOBACCO; MUTAGENESIS; GENOTOXICITY R.11223 |
Bala, TSS Effect of goitrogens on blood brain barrier nutrient transport. Hyderabad. NIN, 1997. Guide: Dr.M. Raghunath. Keyword(s) : THESIS; GOITRE; BRAIN; NUTRITION; Ph.D |
Jagannath Rao, D Epidemiological survey of iodine deficiency disorders in rural areas of Medak district (A.P.). Hyderabad. NIN, 1997. Guide: Dr.K.Madhavan Nair & Dr.GNV Brahmam. Keyword(s) : THESIS; M.Sc(AN); EPIDEMIOLOGY; SURVEY; IODINE; DEFICIENCY; MEDAK; ANDHRA PRADESH; A.P. |
Nagaonkar, SN Comparative study of anthropometry body composition and basal metabolic rate among obese and non-obese subjects. Hyderabad. NIN, 1997. Guide: Dr.Venkataramana, Y. Keyword(s) : THESIS; M.Sc(AN); ANTHROPOMETRY; BODY COMPOSITION; BMR; BASAL METABOLIC RATE; OBESITY |
Parvin, SG Re-evaluation of intestinal conversion of B-Caroteneto Vitamin A. Hyderabad. NIN, 1997. Keyword(s) : Ph.D; THESIS; BETA CAROTENE; VITAMIN A |
Raof, MA Impact of iron and folic acid supplementation on iron status of the aged residing in old age homes in Hyderabad. Hyderabad. NIN, 1997. Guide: Dr.Brahmam, GNV. Keyword(s) : THESIS; M.Sc(AN); IRON; FOLIC ACID; SUPPLEMENTATION; AGING; HYDERABAD 043:616.155.1:612.67 RAO R.8494 |
Vanaja, B Isotopic cell labeling and dynamics of dichofused cells with special reference to hepatocytes. Guide: Dr.Sivakumar, B / Dr.Habibullah |
Vimalarani, K Urinary protein to creatinine ration in renal failure cases. Pudukkottai, Bharathidasan Univ, 1997. 043:616.61 VIM R.11883 |
1998![]() |
Balasundaram, M Fortification of wheat flour with iron. Hyderabad, NIN, 1998. Guide: Dr.Sivakumar, B 043: BAL R.9716 |
Das, Binay Krishna Antioxidant status in geriatric subjects with special reference to Vitamin E. Hyderabad. NIN, 1998. Guide: Dr.V Jagadeesan. Keyword(s) : THESIS; M.Sc(AN); ANTIOXIDANTS; GERIATRIC; VITAMIN E |
Mathews A Preliminary report on Vitamin A status during pregnancy. Hyderabad,NIN,1998. Guide: Dr.Bhaskaram P 043: MAT R.9715 |
Sampatha Chary, K Design and development of a National Information System in Nutrition Science for India (NISNUTS): a study. Hyderabad. NIN, 1998. Guide: Dr. AAN Raju. Keyword(s) : THESIS; Ph.D; INFORMATION SCIENCE; LIBRARY SCIENCE; DESIGN; SYSTEM 043:612.39:02 SAM R.10127 |
Sangeetha, B Effects of respiratory infection on riboflavin metabolism. Hyderabad. NIN, 1998. Guide: Dr.A.V.Laxmi Keyword(s) : Ph.D; THESIS; RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS; RIBOFLAVIN; METABOLISM 043:612.392.01 R.9866 |
Srigiridhar, K Effects of excess iron in the gastrointestinal tract of rat. Hyderabad. NIN, 1998. Keyword(s) : Ph.D; THESIS; IRON; GASTROENTEROLOGY; RAT R.9722 |
Vasantha Lakshmi, K Interaction amongst ferritin, transferrin and other iron binders during iron absorption. Hyderabad. NIN, 1998. Guide: Dr.Madhavan Nair, K Keyword(s) : Ph.D; THESIS; FERRITIN; TRANSFERRIN; IRON 043: VAS R.9625 |
1999![]() |
Ayesha Ismail Role of vitamin D in glucose homeostasis. 1999. Hyderabad, NIN, 1999. Keyword(s) : VITAMIN D; THESIS; GLUCOSE; Ph.D 043:612.392.01D AYE R.10159 |
Mallikharjuna, K Nutrition profile and household food security among rural population in different regions of A.P. Andhra Univ, 1999. Keyword(s) : Ph.D; THESIS; NUTRITION PROFILE; FOOD SECURITY; RURAL POPULATION; ANDHRA PRADESH |
Ranganathan, S Measurement of potassium in the human body using a large volume plastic scintillator whole E-body monitor and its application to biokinetic studies in healthy and diseased individuals. Guide : Dr.Mishra, U.C. |
2000![]() |
Jayaseelan, M Status of copper ceruloplasmin and superoxide dismutase in PEM their possible role in the edema formation. Hyderabad, NIN, 2000. Keyword(s): THESIS; M.Sc(AN); COPPER; CERULOPLASMIN; SUPEROXIDE; PEM; EDEMA 043:612.392.69 JAY R.10125 |
2001![]() |
Anjali Singh Lipid peroxidation and antioxidant status in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). Hyderabad, NIN, 2001. Keyword(s): THESIS; M.Sc(AN); LIPID PEROXIDATION; ANTIOXIDANTS; NIDDM; DIABETES MELLITUS 043:616.379 ANJ R.10427 |
Ganguly, Chumki Development of a probiotic feed ingredient from moldy sorghum. Hyderabad, NIN, 2001. Guide: Dr.Ramesh V Bhat. Keyword(s): THESIS; M.Sc(AN); DEVELOPMENT; FEED; MOLDY; SORGHUM R.10428 |
Nayak, Binata Organoleptic properties and invitro bioavailability of iron from whet flour fortified with iron and iron absorption promoters. Hyderabad, NIN, 2001. Keyword(s): THESIS; M.Sc(AN); ORGANOLEPTIC; INVITRO; BIOAVAILABILITY; IRON; WHEAT FLOUR; FORTIFICATION 043:612.392.01:664FF NAY R.10429 |
Ramulu, P Studies on dietary fiber content of Indian foods and its physiological effects. Hyderabad, NIN,2001. Guide: Dr.Udayasekhara Rao, P Keyword (s) : Thesis; Ph.D; DIETARY FIBER; INDIAN FOODS; FOODS; PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS. |
Sobharani, M Longterm impact of preschool education, component of ICDS an scholastic achievement and intellectual development of rural children. SPMV, 2001. Keyword(s) : Ph.D; THESIS; PRESCHOOL EDUCATION; ICDS; PSYCHOLOGY; CHILD DEVELOPMENT |
Sreedevi, A A Study on body composition profile energy intake and energy expenditure pattern among elderly population. Hyderabad, NIN, 2001. Guide: Dr.Venkat Ramana, Y Keyword(s): THESIS; M.Sc(AN); BODY COMPOSITION; ENERGY INTAKE; ENERGY EXPENDITURE R.10430 |
2002![]() |
Das, Subhasis Oxidative stress in the brain of obesis mutant rats. Hyderabad,NIN,2002. Keyword(s): THESIS; M.Sc(AN); OXIDATIVE STRESS; BRAIN; OBESE; RATS R.10831 |
Rathi, Nidhi Application of the HACCP approach in mushroom. Hyderabad, NIN, 2002. Keyword(s): THESIS; M.Sc(AN); HACCP; MUSHROOM R.10832 |
Srivalli, I Antioxidant status in fluoride intoxication in rabbits. Hyderabad,NIN,2002. Keyword(s): THESIS; M.Sc(AN); ANTIOXIDANTS; FLUORIDE; RABBITS R.10829 |
Vidyasagar, GV Effect of milk on bioavailability of antioxidants from tea and antioxidant status in human volunteers. Hyderabad, NIN, 2002. Keyword(s): THESIS; M.Sc(AN); MILK; BIOAVAILABILITY; ANTIOXIDANTS; HUMAN R.10830 |
2003![]() |
Kirmani, Tabasum Manzoor Aflatoxin contamination in walnuts. Hyderabad, NIN, 2003. Keyword(s): THESIS; M.Sc(AN); AFLATOXIN; WALNUTS 043:615.9:634.51 KIR R.11255 |
Laxmaiah, A Assessment of overweight and obesity and its predictors among urban adolescent school children, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. Kerala, Sree Chitra Tirunal Inst.of Med Sci, 2003. Keyword(s): THESIS; MPH; M.Sc; ASSESSMENT; OVERWEIGHT; OBESITY; ADOLESCENTS; SCHOOL CHILDREN; HYDERABAD 043:612.397.7 LAX R.11745 |
Nagajyothi, Mukkamala Assessment of nutritional status, energy balance and physiological efficiency of national level boxers from Andhra Pradesh. Hyderabad, NIN, 2003. Guide: Dr. VenkataRamana, Y 043:612.766.1 NAG R.11256 |
Pratima Rao Dietary intake of synthetic food colours. Hyderabad, NIN, 2003. Keyword(s): THESIS; Ph.D; DIETARY INTAKE; FOOD COLOURS 043:664.8/.9 PRA R.12001 |
Suma, SV Nutrient composition (proximate) principles and trace minerals content of new varieties of rice. Hyderabad, NIN, 2003. Guide: Dr.Bapu Rao, S Keyword(s): THESIS; M.Sc(AN); NUTRIENT; TRACE MINERALS; RICE 043:612.392.69:633.18 SUM R.11253 |
Udupi, Jayasudha Exclusive breastfeeding role of support system – A study. Hyderabad, NIN, 2003. Guide: Dr.Ramalakshmi, BA Keyword(s): THESIS; M.Sc(AN); BREASTFEEDING 043:612.664 UDU R.11254 |
2004![]() |
Bhattacharya, K Studies on some less familiar plant foods from the state of Assam. Hyderabad, NIN, 2004. Keyword(s): THESIS; M.Sc(AN); LESS FAMILIAR FOODS; PLANTS; ASSAM 043:641.1:58 BHA R.11702 |
Gajre, Nitin Sitaram Relationship of breakfast to the attention, concentration immediate recall memory and academic performance of school children age 11-14 years. Hyderabad, NIN, 2004. Keyword (s): THESIS; M.Sc(AN); BREAKFAST; MEMORY; SCHOOL CHILDREN; HYDERABAD. 043:159.9 GAJ R.11703 |
Kuraizi, K Valanthina Comparative study of in vitro iron availability from whole wheat flour (ATTA) and white wheat flour (Maida) fortified and enriched with iron. Hyderabad, NIN, 2004. Keyword(s) : THESIS; M.Sc(AN); IRON; WHEAT FLOUR; IRON; FORTIFICATION. 043:664FF:612.392.01 KUR R.11704 |
Pavan Kumar, P Iodization of common salt with available techniques and effective quality monitoring of iodized salt using appropriate quality control measures: a project report. Anantapur, JNTU, 2004. Keyword(s): THESIS; M.Sc(FT); IODIZATION; SALT 043:616.441 PAV R.12212 |
Prakash, Rajat Prevalence of overweight and obesity and its predictors among urban adolescent school children of Ranga Reddy District, Andhra Pradesh. Keyword (s): THESIS; M.Sc(AN); OVERWEIGHT; OBESITY; ADOLESCENTS; SCHOOL CHILDREN; ANDHRA PRADESH. 043:612.397.7 PRA R.11705 |
Sajnikar, Sanjay Jagdish Study on assessment anthropometry body composition and energy balance in women – a methodological approach. Hyderabad, NIN, 2004. Keyword (s): THESIS; M.Sc(AN); ANTHROPOMETRY; BODY COMPOSITION; ENERGY BALANCE; WOMEN. 043:612.015 SAJ R.11706 |
Tripathi, Prashant Trace elements status, insulin resistance, oxidative stress and antioxidant status of pregnant women of low socio economic group: a cross sectional study at different gestational ages. Hyderabad, NIN, 2004. Keyword (s): THESIS; M.Sc(AN); TRACE ELEMENTS; INSULIN; OXIDATIVE STRESS; ANTIOXIDANTS; PREGNANT WOMEN. 043:612.392.69 TRI R.11707 |
Virk, Jasleen |
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